Chat AI(Chinese version)

Chat AI(Chinese version)


1. Report Writing
ChatAI can help you write various types of reports, such as business reports, academic reports, research reports, etc. Simply enter the topic and key points, and AI can generate a structured and organized report for you.
2. Article polishing
ChatAl can grammar check, polish, and rewrite your article, improving its readability and attractiveness. After you complete the first draft, let AI add color to your article and make your writing more vivid and vivid.
3. Video Script Writing
ChatAl can write various types of video scripts for you, including promotional videos, tutorial short plays, etc. Simply provide the theme and requirements, and AI can create captivating video scripts for you.
4. Novel Creation
Chat AI has strong literary creativity and can create various types of novels for you, such as science fiction, romance novels, suspense novels, etc. Simply provide creativity or storytelling, and AI can create captivating storylines and vivid character images for you.
5. Translated Text
ChatAI supports translation of multiple languages, including English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, German, and more. High accuracy and speed allow you to easily overcome language barriers and communicate without borders.

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Chat AI(Chinese version)




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