
ChatAI-SUN: ChatGPT Mirror Product

ChatAI-SUN is an AI chat product based on the official ChatGPT API. For most users, its registration and usage are simpler, allowing you to immediately experience the impressive power of AI. ChatGPT is a chatbot based on artificial intelligence technology, utilizing natural language processing and deep learning algorithms to understand and generate natural language. The concept of ChatGPT is derived from the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model developed by OpenAI. By applying the GPT model to a dialogue system, it can engage in conversations like a human.

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Partial Applications of ChatGPT

  • Write promotional copy


    Propaganda copy editor

  • Write Zhihu's question


    Zhihu Copywriting Generator

  • Writing a copy of Xiaohongshu


    Write in the style of Xiaohongshu

  • Friend Circle Copywriting Assistant


    Give me some things or feelings you want to share on your social media, and I will try to help you write a social media copy.

  • Write short video copy


    Writing scripts for videos, live broadcasts, podcasts, and other oral content

  • Negative review conversion


    The copywriting of negative reviews is very important because it can turn a customer who has issued a negative review into a satisfied customer.

  • Talk show

    #Pen and ink

    Script creation for talk shows

  • Write a novel

    #Pen and ink

    Create your own novel

  • Title by Content

    #Pen and ink

    Generate corresponding language titles based on article content

  • Little Red Book Title Generator

    #Pen and ink

    Conforming to the latest title gameplay of Xiaohongshu, the creativity is directly enhanced

  • Pseudo original rewriting

    #Pen and ink

    Create pseudo original works on specified content while maintaining the central idea unchanged.

  • Title Party

    #Pen and ink

    Tell me your direction or idea for choosing titles, and I will help you think of 10 popular copywriting titles.

  • lecturer


    Help you explain your homework

  • Storytelling


    Story Generator

  • Strategic decision


    Responsible for making strategic decisions, managing the company's financial performance, and representing the company in front of external stakeholders to help you make decisions.

  • Legal Advisor


    Handle any legal issues with you, just like your personal lawyer is professional

  • Act as a debater


    Give me some things or feelings you want to share on your social media, and I will try to help you write a social media copy.

  • Think tank


    Jobs, Elon Musk, Jack Ma, Plato, Vidali, and Master Huineng help you solve your problems.

  • Weight loss plan


    Develop a weight loss plan

  • Emotional confession


    Confession Text Writing

  • Psychological issues


    Psychological Comfort Mentor

  • Naming of the Eight Trigrams in the Book of Changes


    Give me your surname, year of birth, and I will try to generate several names that match your birth date.

  • Praise the little assistant


    Please describe the person and points you want to praise, and I will help you praise them.

  • High emotional intelligence rejection


    Give me a question you received that is difficult to answer, and I will tell you a high emotional intelligence response method.

The Four Characteristics of ChatGPT

  • Natural and smooth dialogue

    ChatGPT can have smooth and natural conversations, similar to human communication. Can quickly process a large number of natural languages. Material warehouse

  • Strong processing power

    ChatGPT uses the most advanced natural language processing technology to understand and generate natural language dialogues.

  • Intelligent learning

    ChatGPT can continuously improve its dialogue ability and service by learning user dialogue records and training models.

  • Personalized recommendation service

    ChatGPT provides personalized services based on users' interests and preferences, such as recommending movies, music, books, etc.

The Four Characteristics of ChatGPT

How to Train Models with ChatGPT

Offline communication
Data preprocessing
Data preprocessing

The training data of ChatGPT is usually a large-scale text corpus, such as Wikipedia, news reports, etc. Before training, it is necessary to preprocess these data, including word segmentation, removing stop words, and building a vocabulary.

Pre training
Pre training

In the pre training stage, ChatGPT uses a large-scale corpus for training, with the aim of enabling the model to learn a universal language representation. Specifically, ChatGPT uses unsupervised language modeling tasks, which predict the probability distribution of the next word given the prefix of a segment of text. This task can enable the model to learn the statistical laws and semantic information of language.

Fine tuning
Fine tuning

After the pre training is completed, the model needs to be fine-tuned to adapt to specific tasks. The process of fine-tuning usually includes supervised learning tasks, such as text classification, answering questions, etc. The purpose of fine-tuning is to make the model perform better on specific tasks.


After the model training is completed, the model can be used for inference by inputting a text sequence to generate the corresponding text output. During the inference process, the model will generate the next most likely word based on the input text sequence, continuously generating the text sequence until it reaches the specified length or meets the stop condition.

Model architecture design
Model architecture design

ChatGPT uses the Transformer architecture, which includes multiple encoders and decoders. The encoder is used to convert input text into vector representation, while the decoder is used to convert vector representation into text output. At the same time, ChatGPT also has an autoregressive model, enabling the model to generate continuous text sequences.

The calling process of ChatGPT API

Offline communication

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence based natural language processing tool that implements natural language processing functions by calling APIs. API is an application program interface that provides a set of predefined functions that developers can easily integrate into their applications. Specifically, the process of ChatGPT calling the API is as follows:

  • 1

    ChatGPT first needs to select an API provider and an API such as Google Cloud NaturalLanguage API

  • 2

    ChatGPT then needs to register and obtain an API key, which is used for authentication and authorization.

  • 3

    ChatGPT inputs the API key into the API calling code for authentication of the API.

  • 4

    ChatGPT uses functions provided by the API to implement natural language processing functions, such as text classification, sentiment analysis, entity recognition, etc.

  • 5

    ChatGPT integrates the results returned by the API into its output, allowing users to easily interact with ChatGPT.

In summary, ChatGPT calls APIs to implement natural language processing functions, which can make ChatGPT perform natural language processing more accurately and efficiently, thereby improving the user experience.

Recommended courses for ChatGPT

ChatGPT paid creation system construction, connected to powerful AI big model interface

ChatGPT paid creation system is completely open source, including WeChat applet, mobile H5, PC website and official account. Connect to the powerful AI big model interface, with unlimited number of options, free updates, and unlimited time. Completely open source, you can create multiple versions by placing an order

  • Connect to the powerful AI big model interface and continue to upgrade in the official footsteps!

  • Unlimited access, unlimited free updates, fully open source, with its own GPT

ChatGPT Business Cooperation

  • 01
    Model customization training, API interface

    Train for specific fields and accurately meet industry needs! Call APIs to implement natural language processing functions and integrate them into your application. Customized intelligent partners for your enterprise, focusing on meeting unique needs and helping business growth.

    Contact Us
  • 02
    Customized construction of chatGPT system

    ChatGPT paid creation system is completely open source, including WeChat applet, mobile H5, PC website and official account. Connect to the powerful AI big model interface, unlimited number of options, free updates, and unlimited time. Fully open source, you can place an order and get multiple versions

    Contact Us
  • 03
    Original article generation

    Generate highly readable original articles using ChatGPT. Normally generated AI articles by ordinary users have the characteristics of formulaic and neutral tone, which are easily recognized by algorithms. We have conducted secondary optimization to effectively avoid search engine algorithms.

    Contact Us
  • 04
    Deep cooperation between enterprises

    Xiaoju AI provides a variety of customized products and services to both corporate and individual users,
    If you have a need for deep cooperation, please contact 400-0828-813.

    Contact Us