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    ChatGPT will not completely replace manual labor. The "patterning" of ChatGPT cannot replace the "differentiation" of humans. ChatGPT, no matter how powerful it is, is only a language model developed by the artificial intelligence laboratory OpenAI. Behind its smooth dialogue is a large amount of textual data. Once machine intelligence is limited by conceptual frameworks, it can only run within existing frameworks, and sometimes it is inevitable to fall into the trap of "patterning" and "routinization". And as humans, we are born different. It is precisely these "unique" differences that enable human civilization to continue and thrive. The "rationalization" of ChatGPT cannot replace the "sensibility" of humans. The "intelligence" of artificial intelligence is more of a rational ability, while human intelligence also includes irrational content such as value judgment, willpower and emotions, and aesthetic taste. As ChatGPT said in his response, "I do not possess autonomy, and my answer does not contain opinions or emotions. Regarding the relationship with humans, ChatGPT provides its own answer: I will not replace humans. As an AI program, I can help humans solve difficulties and improve work efficiency, but I will never be able to understand humans with my own emotions, nor can I think about problems based on my own judgment. Only real people can possess such abilities. In that dark tunnel where you can't see the way ahead, perhaps ChatGPT can also be your companion who provides you with light and direction, facing it squarely, and utilizing it, after all, the prefix of artificial intelligence is still "artificial".

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    Chatgpt is a large pre trained language model developed by OpenAI, which is more commonly referred to as a chat robot. It is a variant of the GPT-3 model, and ChatGPT has been trained to generate human like text responses based on received inputs, with more natural and diverse characteristics. Users can ask it countless questions and often receive useful answers. The algorithm behind ChatGPT is based on the Transformer architecture, which is a deep neural network that uses a self attention mechanism to process input data. The Transformer architecture is widely used in natural language processing tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and question answering. Taking ChatGPT as an example, this model is trained on a large number of text conversation datasets and uses self attention mechanisms to learn the patterns and structures of human like conversations. This enables it to generate responses that are appropriate and relevant to the input it receives. ChatGPT's special feature 1: ChatGPT can be used to create chat robots that can have conversations with users. 2. ChatGPT can be fine-tuned to answer specific types of questions, such as questions related to specific fields or themes. 3. ChatGPT can be used to create virtual agents or avatars for conversations with users. 4. ChatGPT can be used to generate human like text responses based on input data. The institution behind chatgpt is a large pre trained language model developed by OpenAl, a research and development organization founded in 2015 by Silicon Valley investor Sam Altman and billionaire Elon Musk as non-profit organizations, attracting investment from several others, including venture capitalist Peter Thiel. In 2019, the group created a related for-profit entity to accommodate external investment.

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    ChatGPT will not completely replace manual labor. The "patterning" of ChatGPT cannot replace the "differentiation" of humans. ChatGPT, no matter how powerful it is, is only a language model developed by the artificial intelligence laboratory OpenAI. Behind its smooth dialogue is a large amount of textual data. Once machine intelligence is limited by conceptual frameworks, it can only run within existing frameworks, and sometimes it is inevitable to fall into the trap of "patterning" and "routinization". And as humans, we are born different. It is precisely these "unique" differences that enable human civilization to continue and thrive. The "rationalization" of ChatGPT cannot replace the "sensibility" of humans. The "intelligence" of artificial intelligence is more of a rational ability, while human intelligence also includes irrational content such as value judgment, willpower and emotions, and aesthetic taste. As ChatGPT said in his response, "I do not possess autonomy, and my answer does not contain opinions or emotions. Regarding the relationship with humans, ChatGPT provides its own answer: I will not replace humans. As an AI program, I can help humans solve difficulties and improve work efficiency, but I will never be able to understand humans with my own emotions, nor can I think about problems based on my own judgment. Only real people can possess such abilities. In that dark tunnel where you can't see the way ahead, perhaps ChatGPT can also be your companion who provides you with light and direction, facing it squarely, and utilizing it, after all, the prefix of artificial intelligence is still "artificial".

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    ChatGPT is a new chat robot model released by the artificial intelligence research laboratory OpenAI on November 30, 2022, which is a natural language processing tool driven by artificial intelligence technology. It can engage in dialogue by learning and understanding human language. It not only knows astronomy and geography, but also interacts according to the context of the conversation, truly chatting and communicating like humans. However, ChatGPT is not only as simple as a chat robot, but can even complete tasks such as writing emails, video scripts, copywriting, translation, and code. At the same time, it has also caused countless netizens to indulge in chatting with ChatGPT, becoming a hot topic for discussion.

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    There are two reasons why ChatGPT is so popular: firstly, it is easy to operate and get started; The second is being able to handle daily conversations. 1. The operation is simple and easy to get started. After opening it, you only need to enter the question in the dialog box to obtain the answer. 2. According to the official introduction, ChatGPT can interact through dialogue in daily conversations. The dialogue format enables ChatGPT to answer subsequent questions, acknowledge errors, question incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. The characteristics of ChatGPT are that ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by artificial intelligence technology, newly launched by the artificial intelligence research laboratory OpenAI. It uses the Transformer neural network architecture and also the GPT-3.5 architecture. This is a model used for processing sequence data, with language understanding and text generation capabilities, especially by connecting a large number of corpora to train the model. ChatGPT is not just a chat robot, but can also perform tasks such as writing emails, video scripts, copywriting, translation, and code. Features: 1. Model training method: Compared to the previous GPT model, OpenAI adopts a new training method called "reinforcement learning from human feedback" to train ChatGPT. 2. High moral standards: ChatGPT focuses on ethical training methods, and follows pre designed ethical guidelines to "say no" to malicious questions and requests. Once it discovers that the text prompts provided by users contain malicious intent, including but not limited to violence, discrimination, criminal intent, etc., it will refuse to provide valid answers.

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    Edge can install many extensions and plugins, but whether GPT extensions can be installed depends on the form of GPT extensions and the version of Edge. Microsoft has provided mobile versions of Edge for Android and iOS phones, including Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Edge Canary. These versions allow users to add and manage extensions in a way similar to Chrome and Firefox. If you want to use a specific GPT extension, please check the Microsoft Store or other app stores to see if it is available or compatible with the Edge mobile version. If you are using the PC version of Edge, you should be able to install and use the GPT extension just like other extensions. The feasibility of using Edge to install and use GPT extensions depends on multiple factors and needs to be evaluated and decided based on specific circumstances.

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    ChatGPT is a new chat robot model released by the artificial intelligence research laboratory OpenAI on November 30, 2022, which is a natural language processing tool driven by artificial intelligence technology. It can engage in dialogue by learning and understanding human language. It not only knows astronomy and geography, but also interacts according to the context of the conversation, truly chatting and communicating like humans. However, ChatGPT is not only as simple as a chat robot, but can even complete tasks such as writing emails, video scripts, copywriting, translation, and code. At the same time, it has also caused countless netizens to indulge in chatting with ChatGPT, becoming a hot topic for discussion.

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    What do you ask about limiting the number of GPT images per user per day through an account, 10 times. According to the query on the GPT official website, in order to meet the service requirements, there is a limit on the number of times a day for GPT images. To use an account, a free key application is required, with a limit of 10 times a day. If the number exceeds 10 times, it will be banned from being called.

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    Based on my understanding, PUA.AI is a Chinese version of the chatgpt website. Compared to other websites, it has great advantages, providing rich features and completely free. Accessing PUA.AI is very convenient. Simply search for on Baidu to find its entry point, register and log in, and you can use it.

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    The recently popular free chat website should be, which is a high-end version of chatgpt in China. It not only allows chat, but also allows writing, copywriting, painting, and other functions. The features are very comprehensive, and not only chat for free, but other functions are also free. This is the webpage below

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    The significant historical significance of the emergence of artificial intelligence technology such as ChatGPT is no less than the birth of the Internet and personal computers. ChatGPT is currently the most advanced chat robot, and "more intelligent interaction" is the main reason why ChatGPT has attracted widespread global attention. For example, Open AI has added code understanding and generation capabilities to this model, greatly expanding its application scenarios; At the same time, ethical principles have been added to enable ChatGPT to identify malicious information and refuse to provide effective responses, effectively enhancing the user's sense of interaction during conversations. In the summer of 1956, the term "artificial intelligence" was officially introduced, marking the official birth of the science of "artificial intelligence". Afterwards, the supercomputer codenamed "Deep Blue" developed by IBM defeated the world chess champion of humanity, further expanding the imagination space of artificial intelligence technology. It can be said that at the beginning of its proposal, this science was given a wild hope beyond human intelligence by humans. However, it has been more than 60 years since the concept was proposed, and apart from various imaginations in science fiction movies, ordinary people have not had the opportunity to directly access AI technology, nor have there been appropriate channels to understand this profound technology. Although various content platforms have already started using intelligent algorithm technology for personalized recommendations, and online shopping platforms are also using artificial intelligence technology to improve advertising reach rates, these applications have not included users in the interaction. In this process, users only play a passive role as receivers. The launch of ChatGPT provides users with an opportunity to participate in the AI technology workflow and also provides a way for users who are not familiar with AI applications for a long time to truly experience the development of AI technology. This has a certain milestone significance in the development process of AI, which means that AI technology has shifted from "behind the scenes" to "in front of the stage". Future Application Scenario 1 of Chat GPT: Independent Application: Chat GPT's powerful natural language processing capabilities can enable intelligent customer service, voice work assistants, and dialogue virtual humans with current "artificial intelligence disabilities" to make qualitative leaps. It can also efficiently and high-quality complete text creation tasks such as code writing, novel writing, and news writing. At the same time, it can also assist in search, further improving search efficiency. 2. AIGC joint application: When the capabilities of Chat GPT and image recognition technologies are combined, infinite possibilities can be generated. For example, in the video generation website QuickVid, users enter prompts and clearly describe the video theme they want to create on the website. QucikVid first uses the GPT-3 text generation function to generate short video scripts, and then automatically extracts or manually enters keywords from the scripts. Based on these keywords, select background videos from the free Pexels library, overlay images generated by DALL-E 2, and call Google Cloud's text to speech API to add synthetic voiceovers and background music from YouTube's royalty free music library.

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    Based on my understanding, PUA.AI is a Chinese version of the chatgpt website. Compared to other websites, it has great advantages, providing rich features and completely free. Accessing PUA.AI is very convenient. Simply search for on Baidu to find its entry point, register and log in, and you can use it.

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