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    Chatgpt is a large pre trained language model developed by OpenAI, which is more commonly referred to as a chat robot. It is a variant of the GPT-3 model, and ChatGPT has been trained to generate human like text responses based on received inputs, with more natural and diverse characteristics. Users can ask it countless questions and often receive useful answers. The algorithm behind ChatGPT is based on the Transformer architecture, which is a deep neural network that uses a self attention mechanism to process input data. The Transformer architecture is widely used in natural language processing tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and question answering. Taking ChatGPT as an example, this model is trained on a large number of text conversation datasets and uses self attention mechanisms to learn the patterns and structures of human like conversations. This enables it to generate responses that are appropriate and relevant to the input it receives. ChatGPT's special feature 1: ChatGPT can be used to create chat robots that can have conversations with users. 2. ChatGPT can be fine-tuned to answer specific types of questions, such as questions related to specific fields or themes. 3. ChatGPT can be used to create virtual agents or avatars for conversations with users. 4. ChatGPT can be used to generate human like text responses based on input data. The institution behind chatgpt is a large pre trained language model developed by OpenAl, a research and development organization founded in 2015 by Silicon Valley investor Sam Altman and billionaire Elon Musk as non-profit organizations, attracting investment from several others, including venture capitalist Peter Thiel. In 2019, the group created a related for-profit entity to accommodate external investment.

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    ChatGPT is a new chat robot model released by the artificial intelligence research laboratory OpenAI on November 30, 2022, which is a natural language processing tool driven by artificial intelligence technology. It can engage in dialogue by learning and understanding human language. It not only knows astronomy and geography, but also interacts according to the context of the conversation, truly chatting and communicating like humans. However, ChatGPT is not only as simple as a chat robot, but can even complete tasks such as writing emails, video scripts, copywriting, translation, and code. At the same time, it has also caused countless netizens to indulge in chatting with ChatGPT, becoming a hot topic for discussion.

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    Overview of TMT Concept Leading Stocks (2022) 1. Light Media: Light Media has risen by 5.79% in the past 7 trading days, with a maximum price of 7.61 yuan and a minimum price of 8.15 yuan, with a total trading volume of 131 million hands. Since 2022, it has fallen by -59.11%. 2、 Baina Qiancheng: From the compound growth of net profit in the past three years, Baina Qiancheng's net profit compound growth in the past three years was -23.65%, with the highest of 114 million yuan in 2019. 3、 Beiwei Technology: The company is a professional mobile data value-added service operator and a comprehensive software and hardware system product provider in the field of mobile communication. 4、 ST Guoan: Based on the compound growth of ST Guoan's net profit in the past three years, the highest was 6.4883 million yuan in 2019. 5、 Shunwang Technology: Based on the compound growth of net profit in the past three years, the company's net profit compound growth in the past three years was -15.29%, with a maximum of 90.8938 million yuan in 2020. The data selected in this article is only for reference and cannot comprehensively and accurately reflect the investment suggestions of any enterprise. Therefore, we will operate based on this and bear the risk ourselves.

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    1. Open "Alipay" and select "Scan" to scan the QR code of the merchant. 2. After scanning, click on the security prompt "Got it", enter the amount of the purchased item, click "Confirm Transfer", click "Pay Now", enter the password, and click "Done" to complete. 3. Select "Transfer", click "Transfer to Alipay account", enter the merchant's Alipay account, and click "Next". 4. Enter the amount for purchasing the item, click on "Confirm Transfer", click on "Pay Now", enter the password, and click on "Done". 5. The summary is as follows.

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    This will certainly not replace the underlying programmers. ChatGPT is a natural language processing model that can generate text, answer questions, and more, but it cannot completely replace programmers. Programmers play an important role in the software development process, as they need to have a deep understanding of business requirements and implement solutions by writing code. ChatGPT can assist programmers in their work, but it cannot completely replace them. ChatGPT, as an AI rookie, has gained a great reputation in the field of programming, mainly because its owner, OpenAI, places great importance on improving its programming capabilities. A report by Semafor shows that OpenAI has hired thousands of contractors worldwide over the past six months to train its AI in software engineering. The training is also very effective. According to Insider, some Amazon employees have started using ChatGPT to assist with encoding. Amidst the widespread talk of programmers being replaced, it is not surprising that over the past few decades, cloud services, serverless computing, low code, and no code With the arrival of every technological wave, there will be such remarks. Undoubtedly, with the development of science and technology, software development has become increasingly intelligent. In January this year, ACM Communications published "The End of Programming", which predicted artificial intelligence programming. Its author, Matt Welsh, is the CEO and co founder of Fixie. AI. He was a professor of computer science at Harvard University, Google Engineering Director, and Apple Engineering Director. He stated in the article that "the traditional idea of 'writing programs' is becoming extinct. Except for very professional applications, most of the software we know will be replaced by trained rather than programmed artificial intelligence systems." However, at present, ChatGPT is unlikely to replace programmers, as it is still in the stage of being trained. Even if artificial intelligence has proficient programming skills, it does not mean that programmers will be completely replaced. After all, when AI writes code, it is necessary to understand the requirements first, and this needs to be done by programmers. Therefore, in the future, programmers' work should shift more to requirements analysis and architecture design, rather than disappearing just because they do not need to write code. Taking SoFlu software robot as an example, as an automated tool launched in 2019 that covers the entire software development process, it provides "expert level" assistance throughout the entire application development lifecycle through a series of built-in AI based development, testing, product quality analysis, and security audit functions. With human assistance, it automatically completes the back-end development, front-end development, testing, and operation of software development. For example, in future development, developers only need to input process diagrams and configuration parameters through dragging and dropping components on the visual interface. SoFlu software robots can achieve business logic equivalent to writing complex code. When designing business logic, microservice application development is completed, achieving "business is diagram, diagram is code", achieving software development with ten times the efficiency. The chief designer of SoFlu software robots, Chen Dingwei, President of FeiCompute Cloud Intelligence, said, "The purpose of SoFlu software robots is to help developers complete software development more efficiently and with higher quality, so that 'everyone can become a software engineer', rather than replacing anyone." In the end, whether it is artificial intelligence or software robots, for people, they are actually tools, and the role of tools has always been to serve humanity, And never replacing humans.

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    The basic understanding of ChatGPT is a term referring to chat robots, where GPT stands for "Generative Pre trained Transformer". ChatGPT is a chat robot developed by OpenAI based on the GPT model. GPT is a model that uses deep learning techniques for pre training and generating natural language text, which can understand input questions or conversations and generate appropriate responses. ChatGPT is trained to engage in conversations with users to provide information on various topics, answer questions, or provide other forms of assistance. It can be used for various applications, including customer service, education, entertainment, and technical support. ChatGPT is mainly reflected in the following four functions: 1. Customization function: users can customize the tone and style of questions when chatting with ChatGPT. 2. Personalization function: can effectively understand the response of human and chatGPT questions, and personalized answer our questions. 3. Multi language support: supports the conversion of languages from multiple countries around the world. 4. Scalable function: can expand the information value of responding to users' needs based on topic and question prompts when chatting with ChatGPT. For example, a custom feature demonstration helped me write a conversation copy for a couple's living room conversation, with a tone of humor, fun, and engaging, reflecting the complexity of real family life. When we hand over the above simple prompts to chatgpt, GPT will quickly provide us with a copy of the following tasks, such as what the theme is, and writing the character name. Title: "Adventure in the Couple's Living Room" Scene: One night, the couple is relaxing in the living room, in front of the TV. Husband (Xiaoming): Dear, I think our lives need some excitement. Why don't we play an interesting game! Wife (Xiaomei): Oh? What game? Don't be that brainteaser again, I'm not very good at it. Xiao Ming: Don't worry, this game is simple and fun. We use real-life family chores as the background and showcase the various aspects of our husband and wife's life through dialogue, humorous and interesting! Xiaomei: Alright, I'll treat it as a pastime. You can come up with a question first. Xiaoming: Alright! The first question is, if our family is a crew, what role do you think I am suitable for? Xiaomei: (Thinking for a moment) You should be the director who always gives orders at home! Move! "," Hurry up! "," Don't stand there swaying! ", hahaha! Xiaoming: (Laughing) You know me too well! What about you? Xiaomei: I am the screenwriter who is doing household chores while cooking dramas. I am burdened with daily chores and have to come up with inspiration. I am really busy! Xiaoming: Haha, that's right! Your script must be full of the wit of life, making people burst into laughter! Xiaomei: Hmm, come on! Is this refrigerator in our house really cannibalistic? Every time I open it, the food disappears out of nowhere! Xiaoming: Haha, this question is a bit difficult! I guess our refrigerator is a super actor who stealthily eats food every time and pretends to be innocent! Xiaomei: This explanation is so creative, I almost believed it! Next question! If our family is a superhero organization, what kind of hero do you think I am suitable for? Xiaoming: Of course it's a "super storage engineer"! You always have a way to organize a pile of things at home in an orderly manner, it's just magic! Xiaomei: Hahaha, this is really impressive! What about you? Xiaoming: I am a "super lazy person"! I always take lying on the sofa as my responsibility and don't bother to demonstrate other functions. You can use the above examples to demonstrate on your own. I won't give you any more examples one by one. I hope the above answers will provide a more accurate understanding and application of chatgpt for everyone to learn and apply.

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    Bing Search is from the United States. Microsoft Bing, formerly known as Bing, is a new search engine service launched by Microsoft on May 28, 2009 to replace Live Search. To meet the usage habits of Chinese users, Bing's Chinese brand name is "Bing". As one of the world's leading search engines, Bing has become the second largest search engine in North America. With the search technology support provided to Yahoo, Bing has already occupied 29.3% of the market share. On February 8, 2023, Microsoft released a new version of the Bing search engine, using the latest technology from ChatGPT developer OpenAI, aiming to weaken Google's search dominance by being the first to provide alternative ways of providing more conversational online search and creating content. New Bing Search uses an upgraded version of the AI model GPT3.5, which is more powerful than the GPT3.5 used by ChatGPT. The Bing Colorful Desktop Bing Colorful Desktop application was jointly developed by the Microsoft China team and the US team, supporting Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2012. The language versions include English, French, German, Chinese, and Japanese. The Bing Colorful Desktop allows users to easily search from the desktop, helping users change their desktop wallpaper every day, and bringing one of the features of the Bing search engine, the homepage background image, to the Windows desktop. Users can also view popular news through the Bing Colorful Desktop. The above content refers to Baidu Baike - Microsoft Bing

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    What can Chat GPT do? I've figured it out for you! What can Chat GPT do? The personal assistant Chat GPT can serve as your personal assistant, helping you answer questions, provide information and advice. You can contact Chat G

chatGPT,A widely used super production tool

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