• Personalized recommendation service
    Personalized recommendation service

    ChatGPT provides personalized services based on users' interests and preferences, such as recommending movies, music, books, etc.

  • Data preprocessing
    Data preprocessing

    The training data of ChatGPT is usually a large-scale text corpus, such as Wikipedia, news reports, etc. Before training, it is necessary to preprocess these data, including word segmentation, removing stop words, and building a vocabulary.

  • Pre training
    Pre training

    In the pre training stage, ChatGPT uses a large-scale corpus for training, with the aim of enabling the model to learn a universal language representation. Specifically, ChatGPT uses unsupervised language modeling tasks, which predict the probability distribution of the next word given the prefix of a segment of text. This task can enable the model to learn the statistical laws and semantic information of language.

  • Fine tuning
    Fine tuning

    After the pre training is completed, the model needs to be fine-tuned to adapt to specific tasks. The process of fine-tuning usually includes supervised learning tasks, such as text classification, answering questions, etc. The purpose of fine-tuning is to make the model perform better on specific tasks.

  • 200w+

    Serve customers

  • 1. Fill out the information
    1. Fill out the information

    Application materials must be true and valid.
    The review process will be completed within 3 working days after submission.

  • Reasoning

    After the model training is completed, the model can be used for inference by inputting a text sequence to generate the corresponding text output. During the inference process, the model will generate the next most likely word based on the input text sequence, continuously generating the text sequence until it reaches the specified length or meets the stop condition.

  • Model architecture design
    Model architecture design

    ChatGPT uses the Transformer architecture, which includes multiple encoders and decoders. The encoder is used to convert input text into vector representation, while the decoder is used to convert vector representation into text output. At the same time, ChatGPT also has an autoregressive model, enabling the model to generate continuous text sequences.

  • Model customization training, API interface
    Model customization training, API interface

    Train for specific fields and accurately meet industry needs! Call APIs to implement natural language processing functions and integrate them into your application. Customized intelligent partners for your enterprise, focusing on meeting unique needs and helping business growth.

  • Customized construction of chatGPT system
    Customized construction of chatGPT system

    ChatGPT paid creation system is completely open source, including WeChat applet, mobile H5, PC website and official account. Connect to the powerful AI big model interface, unlimited number of options, free updates, and unlimited time. Fully open source, you can place an order and get multiple versions

  • Original article generation
    Original article generation

    Generate highly readable original articles using ChatGPT. Normally generated AI articles by ordinary users have the characteristics of formulaic and neutral tone, which are easily recognized by algorithms. We have conducted secondary optimization to effectively avoid search engine algorithms.

  • Deep cooperation between enterprises
    Deep cooperation between enterprises

    Xiaoju AI provides a variety of customized products and services to both corporate and individual users,
    If you have a need for deep cooperation, please contact 400-0828-813.

chatGPT,A widely used super production tool

  • Scan Code Priority Experience

    ChatGPT Mini Program Version

    Scan Code Priority Experience
  • Follow official account

    Understand the latest updates

    Follow official account
  • Cooperation

    GPT Program Application Integration Development


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