• Why is the chatgpt model open source?
    Why is the chatgpt model open source?

    The significant historical significance of the emergence of artificial intelligence technology such as ChatGPT is no less than the birth of the Internet and personal computers. ChatGPT is currently the most advanced chat robot, and "more intelligent interaction" is the main reason why ChatGPT has attracted widespread global attention. For example, Open AI has added code understanding and generation capabilities to this model, greatly expanding its application scenarios; At the same time, ethical principles have been added to enable ChatGPT to identify malicious information and refuse to provide effective responses, effectively enhancing the user's sense of interaction during conversations. In the summer of 1956, the term "artificial intelligence" was officially introduced, marking the official birth of the science of "artificial intelligence". Afterwards, the supercomputer codenamed "Deep Blue" developed by IBM defeated the world chess champion of humanity, further expanding the imagination space of artificial intelligence technology. It can be said that at the beginning of its proposal, this science was given a wild hope beyond human intelligence by humans. However, it has been more than 60 years since the concept was proposed, and apart from various imaginations in science fiction movies, ordinary people have not had the opportunity to directly access AI technology, nor have there been appropriate channels to understand this profound technology. Although various content platforms have already started using intelligent algorithm technology for personalized recommendations, and online shopping platforms are also using artificial intelligence technology to improve advertising reach rates, these applications have not included users in the interaction. In this process, users only play a passive role as receivers. The launch of ChatGPT provides users with an opportunity to participate in the AI technology workflow and also provides a way for users who are not familiar with AI applications for a long time to truly experience the development of AI technology. This has a certain milestone significance in the development process of AI, which means that AI technology has shifted from "behind the scenes" to "in front of the stage". Future Application Scenario 1 of Chat GPT: Independent Application: Chat GPT's powerful natural language processing capabilities can enable intelligent customer service, voice work assistants, and dialogue virtual humans with current "artificial intelligence disabilities" to make qualitative leaps. It can also efficiently and high-quality complete text creation tasks such as code writing, novel writing, and news writing. At the same time, it can also assist in search, further improving search efficiency. 2. AIGC joint application: When the capabilities of Chat GPT and image recognition technologies are combined, infinite possibilities can be generated. For example, in the video generation website QuickVid, users enter prompts and clearly describe the video theme they want to create on the website. QucikVid first uses the GPT-3 text generation function to generate short video scripts, and then automatically extracts or manually enters keywords from the scripts. Based on these keywords, select background videos from the free Pexels library, overlay images generated by DALL-E 2, and call Google Cloud's text to speech API to add synthetic voiceovers and background music from YouTube's royalty free music library.

  • How to download the Chinese version of chatgpt?
    How to download the Chinese version of chatgpt?

    Based on my understanding, PUA.AI is a Chinese version of the chatgpt website. Compared to other websites, it has great advantages, providing rich features and completely free. Accessing PUA.AI is very convenient. Simply search for puaAI.cn on Baidu to find its entry point, register and log in, and you can use it.

  • What are the leading stocks in the chatgpt concept?
    What are the leading stocks in the chatgpt concept?

    Overview of TMT Concept Leading Stocks (2022) 1. Light Media: Light Media has risen by 5.79% in the past 7 trading days, with a maximum price of 7.61 yuan and a minimum price of 8.15 yuan, with a total trading volume of 131 million hands. Since 2022, it has fallen by -59.11%. 2、 Baina Qiancheng: From the compound growth of net profit in the past three years, Baina Qiancheng's net profit compound growth in the past three years was -23.65%, with the highest of 114 million yuan in 2019. 3、 Beiwei Technology: The company is a professional mobile data value-added service operator and a comprehensive software and hardware system product provider in the field of mobile communication. 4、 ST Guoan: Based on the compound growth of ST Guoan's net profit in the past three years, the highest was 6.4883 million yuan in 2019. 5、 Shunwang Technology: Based on the compound growth of net profit in the past three years, the company's net profit compound growth in the past three years was -15.29%, with a maximum of 90.8938 million yuan in 2020. The data selected in this article is only for reference and cannot comprehensively and accurately reflect the investment suggestions of any enterprise. Therefore, we will operate based on this and bear the risk ourselves.

  • Can chatgpt still not be used domestically?
    Can chatgpt still not be used domestically?

    What can Chat GPT do? I've figured it out for you! What can Chat GPT do? The personal assistant Chat GPT can serve as your personal assistant, helping you answer questions, provide information and advice. You can contact Chat G

  • CHATGPT Model
    CHATGPT Model

  • CHATGPT Ppaper
    CHATGPT Ppaper

  • CHATGPT Account
    CHATGPT Account

  • CHATGPT Function
    CHATGPT Function

chatGPT,A widely used super production tool

  • Scan Code Priority Experience

    ChatGPT Mini Program Version

    Scan Code Priority Experience
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    GPT Program Application Integration Development


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